Thursday, October 28, 2004

Why fifth graders cannot vote

So today I am doing individual conferences for writing workshop and I meet with Quavasha, a very opinionated african american girl. To my suprise, the focus of her three page paper Senator John Kerry and how he cannot be elected because he will let gay people marry. She also writess that Kerry only wants nurses to make $7 per hour instead of $10 like Bush wants. Confuse me?? Obviously political rhetoric is taking place at home. She later eagerly volunteers to share her thoughts with her classmates, which was greeted with wide eyes and giggles. The only thing I can think is, I thought all minorities had to hate Bush by default...Oh well.
So since we are on the subject of politics...I would like to encourage all who read my blog (so all 2 of you) to vote this coming Nov. 2nd. Even if you feel compelled to vote for the evil Republican canidate, everyone should use their power to vote! And for the love of god, even if you do vote Bush make sure you vote democratic in the Senate race. Could Alan Keyes be ANY more wacko?!?

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Not your average bear

I have been slacking on my blogging! Forgive me! Since my last entry, I have endured shameless flirting, clothes in the garden, and so much more. Who knew I was "too cute to drive" and that real men allow their mothers to do all their laundary?!? I sure as hell did not!
But now on to current affairs. Once again, student teaching is consuming every waking moment of my weekdays. The week started with Sharon discussing her midterm evaluation of my teaching. Before she set to it I had told her that she should be honest and not worry about being to generous because we were friends. However, she failed to realize I was really telling her to rate me highly and pretend she was being honest. Thus, I received many more "averages" than desired. Oh well, I am sure I will show tremendous progress come Winter break.
So my random observation of the week is my mailbox at school is labled "ST Lyon" (the ST standing for student teacher). Saint Lyon have a certain ring to it, doesn't it? Naturually I take this as a sign that I should actually commit myself to the Catholic faith rather than Judaism.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Screeching Halt

So I am driving home from Gurnee last night after midnight cruising along at a friendly 80 mph and I see lots of break lights in front of me. It seems the lovely IDOT has decided to shrink I294 down from four lanes to a lonley one lane for some construction project. On top of that there is a large semi stalled out in the single open lane! It took my a full half hour to move about two miles. Nate was tired and crabby and full of curse words...but he eventually made it home close to 2 AM. Damn you sneaky heteros!
Forunately, celebrating Brenda's quarter-century mark was very enjoyable up to this point. It was an evening full of make-your-own stir fry, cosmic bowling, krispy kremes and the obligatory porn conversation. Who knew there were such skeletons in closets?

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

High Gear

Well this week, my student teaching responsibilities have really kicked in to high gear. I am pretty much planning and teaching all subject areas starting now. I definitely was spoiled before when only teaching two or three subjects, as I was able to plan and get my thoughts together when Sharon was teaching. Now I must transition between different subjects without skipping a beat, and its not easy. Tuesday was my first observation my Andrea Duffey (my AU coordinator) and I did very well, so thats a relief. I am sure everyone will be thrilled to know that I did recieve a rating of "excellent" in the "approrpriate dress" category. That category always worries me the most! I worked my Banana Gavin Fit chinos with a pink Express button down (2% lyrca) and blue and white diagonal striped tie. H-O-T!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Mediocre singing and fake boobs

No, not Britney Spears... I am speaking of the new single by Lindsey Lohan. The poor thing is desperately trying to crossover from teen movie star to a singing and dancing "triple threat". She really can't sing to save her life...but she has managed to pull together some talanted writers and producers. Its a fantastically catchy pop song, and most likely Nate will be putting out $12 when the album hits stores. Sad, aren't I?
So speaking of album releases...It looks like the gods of all-things-pop are blessing us with another November of pre-holiday CDs. Britney's "My Perogative" features songs from her long career, spanning from the late nineties all the way through present day. It also includes dance remixes of some of her biggest songs. This is obviously a ploy to get gay men to pay for the same songs again...and it sure as hell will work on me! We also have releases from Destiny's Child AND Gwen Stefani. Singles from both those albums are FANTASTIC! All of my social budget will be going towards these releases, so I will be completely broke during the month of November. The sacrifice will be well worth it! Well those are my thoughts for now...notice I have yet to say anything deep or meaningful?!

Saturday, October 09, 2004


Well, I always have lots of thoughts in my head that never get written down anywhere. By looking at my journal, it is quite obvious that I do not like to write with the old fashion pen and paper. So I am officially beginning Nate's blog, which I will use to record my thoughts about my life. Hopefully it will consist of more than reality tv updates and pop star gossip...but I can't promise that! Enjoy!