Sunday, November 21, 2004

Nate's Personal Hell

So, we all know I have a tendency to look after myself before the needs of those around me (aka friends, family, etc). So when a friend calls me to drive an hour to Gus's Roadhouse to support her in a Karaoke Idol competition, my immediate reaction is to say NO! I'd much rather remain in my warm house, rent a indie flick, and indulge in a glass or two white zin. However, I selflessly put those desires aside, and trecked up to Woodstock IL. I drove twenty minutes past the damn place and nearly ended up in Wisconsin, but eventually arrived at Gus's. Now, when you hear the word Gus's Roadhouse, I imagine a mental image pops into your head. That mental imagine may involve a gravel parking lot with large pot holes, lots of neon Bud Lite signs, and stuffed deer heads. That mental picture may also include people in suede cowboy hats, plaid shirts, and even sweat suits. I am here to say your visual of Gus's Roadhouse could not be more dead on. My friend was one of the first to perform, actually a very good rendition of All That Jazz, but things went downhill fast after that. My selfless streak quickly came to an end, and I quickly found myself in my car driving the hour back to my warm bed.


Blogger Nate said...

Oh silly boy...I did have my fair share of Miller Lite in plastic cups. However, with the knowledge that I had to be sober in order to exit Gus's Roadhouse and drive home, I watched my intake.

November 22, 2004 at 5:11 PM


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