Thursday, October 28, 2004

Why fifth graders cannot vote

So today I am doing individual conferences for writing workshop and I meet with Quavasha, a very opinionated african american girl. To my suprise, the focus of her three page paper Senator John Kerry and how he cannot be elected because he will let gay people marry. She also writess that Kerry only wants nurses to make $7 per hour instead of $10 like Bush wants. Confuse me?? Obviously political rhetoric is taking place at home. She later eagerly volunteers to share her thoughts with her classmates, which was greeted with wide eyes and giggles. The only thing I can think is, I thought all minorities had to hate Bush by default...Oh well.
So since we are on the subject of politics...I would like to encourage all who read my blog (so all 2 of you) to vote this coming Nov. 2nd. Even if you feel compelled to vote for the evil Republican canidate, everyone should use their power to vote! And for the love of god, even if you do vote Bush make sure you vote democratic in the Senate race. Could Alan Keyes be ANY more wacko?!?


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