Sunday, October 17, 2004

Screeching Halt

So I am driving home from Gurnee last night after midnight cruising along at a friendly 80 mph and I see lots of break lights in front of me. It seems the lovely IDOT has decided to shrink I294 down from four lanes to a lonley one lane for some construction project. On top of that there is a large semi stalled out in the single open lane! It took my a full half hour to move about two miles. Nate was tired and crabby and full of curse words...but he eventually made it home close to 2 AM. Damn you sneaky heteros!
Forunately, celebrating Brenda's quarter-century mark was very enjoyable up to this point. It was an evening full of make-your-own stir fry, cosmic bowling, krispy kremes and the obligatory porn conversation. Who knew there were such skeletons in closets?


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