Monday, November 15, 2004

Bright future

So I am really CRAVING Thanksgiving weekend already! Not the food so much as the free time. This is going to be a long and tedious week, with a lot of involved lessons, piles of tests and projects to grade, and another long night of parent conferences. I wish my life was on Tivo and I could zip past this week and land smack dab at Tuesday evening. Then, after Thanksgiving, I start giving back some subjects to Sharon to teach. December looks to be a most enjoyable month! I love working with Sharon and the kids in my class are, for the most part, fantastic kids, but I am ready to be on my own and to receive a paycheck. I forget what one of those looks like these days. Well enough of my bitching. Right now I am listening to the new Destiny's Child album...panting and all!


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