Friday, March 04, 2005

Meet the Parents (or not)

So I spent my entire afternoon and evening yesterday meeting with the parents of my little deliquent cherubs. I am quickly discovering that I do not enjoy this process and would most likely prefer the company of their out-of-control children. Not to mentioned that I was forced to miss my must-see TV line up...god bless DVRs. Here are some highlights from the day.

  • Its 4:30...and I come to my last conference before my dinner break. I am eager to get through it and find my way to Jimmy John's. Unfortunately, as soon as I mention the ISAT focus our curriculum has taken, the mother in front of me rolls her eyes and launches into a 15 minute lecture on the subject. She informed me that it is ignorant to "teach to the test" and that good teachers woudln't have to do that. Now, she is not without a valid point, but I, being a subtitute, dont' really have the power in this situation. She later went on to refer to her son as a "little shit" and that he "pisses her off". Lovely.
  • I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Scratch the Shit Out of My Son's Neck. She let me know that he does get his temper from her. I would've never guessed that she had a temper! She also told me that I needed to call her anytime her little guy acted up so she could "handle it". Hmm I think I'll handle things myself.
  • I had a reading teacher breeze in and inform the parents of a little guy how low he is in the most tactless way. I literally watched the parents' faces turn from smiles to frowns as she went on and on. When she was done speaking, she breezed off and left me to pick up the pieces. Thanks!


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