Monday, November 29, 2004

KY what??

So its lunch time at school today, and a friendly middle aged TA comes up to me the following question: "Nathan, are you very experienced with things?" Of course I immediately assume her use of "experienced" is sexual, and I quickly discover my assumption is actually correct!! She goes on to explain that the reason she asks is because she needs advice on how to handle the discovery of KY jelly in her 13 year old son's sock drawer. Now, I could be wrong, but perhaps this is not an appropriate topic of conversation during the ten short minutes Mr. Lyon has to scarf down his lunch. And even if it was, isn't there a better way to approach the subject rather than inquiring about my sexual experiences??? Oh well...I later retold the story to Sharon and we both got a good laugh out of it.
On a completely seperate note, tonight I FINALLY received my gap credit card in the mail. I am realizing that having this card in my possession is VERY dangerous. It is taking all my will power to keep my ass firmly planted in this chair, rather than drive out to the nearest Gap store. Oh to be queer!


Blogger Nate said...

Luckily, I am a strong-minded fellow and am not easily swayed by catchy ad campaigns! Plus, lest we forget, I tried the whole selfless routine, and it didn't take!

December 1, 2004 at 6:28 PM


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