Thursday, December 30, 2004

A long absence

So I am realizing that its been over a month now since my last blog post!! What was I thinking? How could I dissapoint millions and millions of fans? Looking back at the past thirty days...a hell of a lot has gone on. I concluded my student teaching, earned my masters degree and teaching certificate, attempted (and failed) to prep for my third grade position starting January 3rd, celebrated the holidays with family (yuck) and friends (yippee!) and saw oodles and oodles of movies. Why doesn't anyone say "oodles" any more? Its a great word! I have to say that this has been the busiest Christmahanakwanzaakah Break I've ever had. I haven't been home for more than three hours at time in forever. I suppose its good; I got see lots of you lovely folks (aka my adoring fans)!!