Monday, November 29, 2004

KY what??

So its lunch time at school today, and a friendly middle aged TA comes up to me the following question: "Nathan, are you very experienced with things?" Of course I immediately assume her use of "experienced" is sexual, and I quickly discover my assumption is actually correct!! She goes on to explain that the reason she asks is because she needs advice on how to handle the discovery of KY jelly in her 13 year old son's sock drawer. Now, I could be wrong, but perhaps this is not an appropriate topic of conversation during the ten short minutes Mr. Lyon has to scarf down his lunch. And even if it was, isn't there a better way to approach the subject rather than inquiring about my sexual experiences??? Oh well...I later retold the story to Sharon and we both got a good laugh out of it.
On a completely seperate note, tonight I FINALLY received my gap credit card in the mail. I am realizing that having this card in my possession is VERY dangerous. It is taking all my will power to keep my ass firmly planted in this chair, rather than drive out to the nearest Gap store. Oh to be queer!

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Nate's Personal Hell

So, we all know I have a tendency to look after myself before the needs of those around me (aka friends, family, etc). So when a friend calls me to drive an hour to Gus's Roadhouse to support her in a Karaoke Idol competition, my immediate reaction is to say NO! I'd much rather remain in my warm house, rent a indie flick, and indulge in a glass or two white zin. However, I selflessly put those desires aside, and trecked up to Woodstock IL. I drove twenty minutes past the damn place and nearly ended up in Wisconsin, but eventually arrived at Gus's. Now, when you hear the word Gus's Roadhouse, I imagine a mental image pops into your head. That mental imagine may involve a gravel parking lot with large pot holes, lots of neon Bud Lite signs, and stuffed deer heads. That mental picture may also include people in suede cowboy hats, plaid shirts, and even sweat suits. I am here to say your visual of Gus's Roadhouse could not be more dead on. My friend was one of the first to perform, actually a very good rendition of All That Jazz, but things went downhill fast after that. My selfless streak quickly came to an end, and I quickly found myself in my car driving the hour back to my warm bed.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Bright future

So I am really CRAVING Thanksgiving weekend already! Not the food so much as the free time. This is going to be a long and tedious week, with a lot of involved lessons, piles of tests and projects to grade, and another long night of parent conferences. I wish my life was on Tivo and I could zip past this week and land smack dab at Tuesday evening. Then, after Thanksgiving, I start giving back some subjects to Sharon to teach. December looks to be a most enjoyable month! I love working with Sharon and the kids in my class are, for the most part, fantastic kids, but I am ready to be on my own and to receive a paycheck. I forget what one of those looks like these days. Well enough of my bitching. Right now I am listening to the new Destiny's Child album...panting and all!

Monday, November 08, 2004

Pink Tuesday

This month makes it clear that the Big Man Upstairs is a believer in balance. On last Tuesday, a great depression settled over this nation of ours. However, the Lord knows when we need to be lifted up, thus this Tuesday we are granted with the release of Mrs. Federline's Greatest Hits album. We go from complete dispair to utter elation in seven short days. The Lord DOES work in mysterious ways!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Black Tuesday

Well, I have avoided writing in my blog as to not spew hate speak at the current (and future) leader of our nation. However, I must summarize the election results with one, rather long, comment. I think it is horrible that the ONLY people who have representation in our government are white, conservative Christians. If you are African American, Asian, Hispanic, Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, Independent, Democratic, liberal, moderate, pro-choice, anti-war, feminist, homosexual, urban or open-minded....your opinions, thoughts and wishes WILL be ignored for the next four years.